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Tady najdete vše, co se Vám na eventu bude hodit a ještě o tom možná nevíte. Napadlo Vás třeba, kam si hosté odloží kabáty? Že do šatny? A máte dost pojízdných stojanů na ramínka? Výstavy a předváděcí akce se neobejdou bez navigačních stojanů, které se budou hodit i na catering, abyste hostům jednoduše sdělili, jaké dobroty se podávají. A je toho mnohem více. U nás si půjčíte odpadkové koše na tříděný odpad, vysokotlaký čistič nebo ohrádky a vymezovací sloupky.

Beach Flag - Teardrop petal

Beach Flag - Teardrop petal

Beach Flag - Teardrop petal

11 € / day
Gate to the mobile fence

Gate to the mobile fence

Allows you to enter the space quickly and easily.

13 € / day
Mobile fence - 25 m

Mobile fence - 25 m

Mobile green fence for border of space at your party.

13 € / day
Multimedia lectern

Multimedia lectern

Multimedia lectern

311 € / day
Stainless steel strap barrier

Stainless steel strap barrier

Strap barrier with 3.5 m self-retracting black strap

7 € / day
Advertising Roll Up - height 200 cm

Advertising Roll Up - height 200 cm

Advertising Roll Up - width 85 cm

7 € / day
Roll up advertising - width 91 cm

Roll up advertising - width 91 cm

Roll up advertising - width 91 cm

7 € / day
Telescopic stand - MultiMaster Marc Brick Display

Telescopic stand - MultiMaster Marc Brick Display

Telescopic stand - MultiMaster Marc Brick Display

11 € / day
High pressure cleaner Karcher K.5650

High pressure cleaner Karcher K.5650

High pressure cleaner Karcher K.5650

33 € / day
Backdrop set 180x300 cm

Backdrop set 180x300 cm

Wall set 180x300 cm

11 € / day
Iron Moulinex IM 1130 E0 Inicio 30

Iron Moulinex IM 1130 E0 Inicio 30

Iron Moulinex IM 1130 E0 Inicio 30

7 € / day
Lectern SWISH LIGHT - white

Lectern SWISH LIGHT - white

LecternSWISH LIGHT - white

67 € / day
LightBox - 4x2.25m - rent

LightBox - 4x2.25m - rent

LightBox - 4x2.25m - rent

200 € / day
LightBox - 4x2.5m - rent

LightBox - 4x2.5m - rent

LightBox - 4x2.5m - rent

200 € / day
LightBox - 5x2.25m - rent

LightBox - 5x2.25m - rent

LightBox - 5x2.25m - rent

222 € / day
LightBox - 5x2,5m - pronájem

LightBox - 5x2,5m - pronájem

LightBox - 5x2,5m - pronájem

245 € / day
LightBox - 6x2.25m - rent

LightBox - 6x2.25m - rent

LightBox - 6x2.25m - rent

245 € / day
LightBox - 6x2,5m - pronájem

LightBox - 6x2,5m - pronájem

LightBox - 6x2,5m - pronájem

289 € / day
Steel barricades ZN+ Standard 2.3 m

Steel barricades ZN+ Standard 2.3 m

Steel barricades suitable for limiting sports, cultural or social events.

7 € / day
Navigation Stand - Menuboard - A3 - Black

Navigation Stand - Menuboard - A3 - Black

Foot Stand Info System - A3

9 € / day
Navigation Stand - Menuboard - A3 - Silver

Navigation Stand - Menuboard - A3 - Silver

Foot stand information system - orientation system - A3 - silver

9 € / day
Paravan - gray, small

Paravan - gray, small

Paravan - gray, 110 cm

11 € / day
Paravan - gray, medium

Paravan - gray, medium

Paravan - gray, 145 cm

16 € / day
Paravan - gray, large

Paravan - gray, large

Paravan - gray, 197 cm

20 € / day
Floor fan - 100 W - black

Floor fan - 100 W - black

Cool in warm weather.

9 € / day
Floor fan - 120 W - copper design

Floor fan - 120 W - copper design

Pleasant refreshment from metal and copper.

9 € / day
Floor fan - 124 W

Floor fan - 124 W

Cooling with quality and character.

18 € / day
Mobile clothes stand

Mobile clothes stand

Mobile clothes stand

7 € / day
Advertising stand A, 585 x 835 mm

Advertising stand A, 585 x 835 mm

22 € / day
Set - 6x Strap barrier

Set - 6x Strap barrier

Set - 6 x Strap barrier

40 € / day

1310 items

for immediate rental

270 Events per year in the Czech Republic and Europe

world class

Quality service

more than 13 years of experience

Individual approach

we respond to your demands